Accident ward


The аccident ward is separate structural division of the BSNP. It is intended for exercise of reception, filing, sorting, holding necessary medical and diagnostic and preventive actions to the patients coming to a hospital both in emergency and in a planned order.

Work is carried out in the around the clock mode. On average in a year about 40 thousand people, 90% from them – according to the emergency indications address. Daily from 150 to 250 patients address to reception.


The аccident ward has the sick inspection rooms completed with all necessary inventory that allows to organize legible and harmonious work of medical personnel. Also in reception are located:

• room for medical procedures
• plaster
• antirabic office
• roentgen office
• ultrasonography office
• endoscopy office
• dressing rooms

For well-timed delivery of health care in the around the clock mode all diagnostic opportunities of hospital are used: laboratories, radiological, endoscopic, ultrasonic research techniques, computer tomography.




In the accident ward diagnostics and treatment of each patient coming to a hospital begins, first aid is provided, the emergency examination of patients is conducted, the profile of office for further hospitalization is defined.


The accident ward is equipped with the medical inventory and medicines sufficient for primary diagnostics and rendering emergency medical service conforming to the modern standards.


The structure of daily around the clock shift of medical personnel includes the therapist, surgeons, neurologists, the traumatologist-orthopedist, the neurosurgeon, the toxicologist, the urologist, the gynecologist. If necessary other experts are involved. In all profile offices the qualified doctors conduct reception aroundly the clock.