Plan of the Nation


Plan of the Nation “100 Specific Steps”

80. IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPULSORY SOCIAL MEDICAL INSURANCE. Strengthening of financial stability of a health care system on the basis of the principle of liability in solido of the state, employers and citizens. Priority financing of the primary health care (PHC). Primary help will become the central link of national health care for the prevention and early fight against diseases.

81. DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE MEDICINE, IMPLEMENTATION of CORPORATE MANAGEMENT IN MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. For the purpose of increase in availability and service quality due to the competition on the basis of financing of primary medico-public assistance in conditions of social medical insurance to provide transition of the medical organizations to the principles of corporate management. To stimulate privatization of the state medical organizations, to expand provision of the guaranteed amount of free medical care through the non-state organizations.

82. CREATION OF THE JOINT COMMISSION ON QUALITY OF MEDICAL SERVICES IN CASE OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. A main goal – implementation of the advanced standards of medical attendance (protocols of treatment, training, provision of medicines, quality control and availability).

Послание Президента 2014
Послание Президента 2015