Blood banking



The service of blood carries out a number of the major tasks, such as:

  • definition of a blood type on the AVO system and definition an accessory Rhesus factor with use of uniclinal serums;
    exercise of well-timed receiving in necessary amount of blood, its components and medicines for constant providing hospital, for planned and emergency transfusions;
  • keeping of a temperature schedule of storage for each component of blood at all stages of a way of their following to a transfusion;
  • control of filing of the transfused blood of its components and medicines in cards of the inpatient;
    monitoring of justification and registration of transfusion therapy, behind an expense and write-off of blood in office;
    holding seminars and consultations on service of blood among doctors and average medical personnel.




img_9831The manager of office of blood is Golovnya Marina Anatolyevna, the doctor of the 1st categoryimg_2695