Treatment of a set of diseases will go quicker and more effectively if to apply hyperbaric oxygenation – therapy by enrichment of an organism oxygen under pressure. The versatile hospital of BSNP has two pressures chamber.
Pressures chamber are released by the State Research and Production Space Center of Khrunichev (Russia). Initially the method of saturation of an organism was developed by oxygen in the military purposes and had only two main indications: a poisoning with carbon monoxide and a caisson disease at divers. Each diver after emersion is located in a pressure chamber.
By experience of doctors very well treatment by oxygen helps the pregnant women having any pathologies. Excellent results are achieved at burns: if to conduct the full course, there is even no seams left. The pressure chamber is convenient for all patients including high as its length makes 2 meters. Weight of the patient can reach up to 130 kg. Duration of a session of GBO makes 40 minutes, for achievement of the best results it is desirable to take the full course – 10 sessions. Also the pressure chamber yields excellent results in of a cosmetology. When the person breathes clear oxygen, it gains the strong rejuvenating effect which lasts for a long time.
Gyperbaric oxygenation is accepted in complex treatment at the following diseases:
- pathology of the central nervous system (ischemic stroke, post-hypoxemic encephalopathy, craniocereberal injuries, alcoholic encephalopathy);
- cardiovascular pathology (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, ciliary arrhythmia, paroksizmalny premature ventricular contraction);
- pulmonary pathology (chronic obstructive bronchitis of lungs, pneumonia);
- digestive tract pathology (peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut, hepatitises, cirrhosis, pancreatitis);
- traumatology diseases (osteomyelitis, fractures, burns, postoperative period);
- gynecologic pathology;
- the common surgical infection (improvement of an adhesion of a postoperative wound, is long not healing wounds).
Absolute contraindications of a method are:
- violation of permeability of the Eustachian tubes and channels connecting adnexal bosoms of a nose to the external environment (polyps, inflammatory processes in a nasopharynx, a middle ear, adnexal bosoms of a nose, anomaly of development);
• a convulsive syndrome (epilepsy) in the anamnesis;
• resistant it is bad arterial hypertension (a BP higher than 160/90);
• existence of selfcontained cavities (cavities, abscesses, air cysts in lungs);
• not trained pheumothorax;
• acute respiratory diseases;
• a hypersensibility to oxygen;
• claustrophobia (phobia of selfcontained space)